3 Things You Need to Know About President Obama’s Executive Action on Immigration

The President has announced a series of executive actions directly affecting our current immigration laws.   These changes affect millions of individuals residing in the United States.  Here are 3 Things you should know:

  1. It Protects Immigrant Parents From Deportation and Grants Work Permit.

One of the biggest changes that will be made by the president’s executive order is the creation of a similar deferred action program for illegal immigrant parents of United States citizens or permanent resident “green-card” holders. The Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) will allow eligible parents of United States citizens or permanent residents “green-cards” to avoid deportation and apply for work permit for three years if they have been in the United States continuously for five years.

  1. It Removes the Age Cap for ‘Dreamers/DACA.’

Those covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the group of children known as “Dreamers,” will be expanded under President Obama’s executive order. DACA previously allowed those who entered the United States illegally as children under the age of 16 to avoid deportation and receive work permits. But eligibility was limited to only those born after June 15, 1981. This birthdate limitation has been lifted, and even undocumented immigrants who are in their 40s (who were brought here as children) will be able to apply for DACA.

  1. Expands the Provisional Waiver Requirements

Currently, the provisional waiver program announced in 2013 only covers sons/daughters of United States citizens and spouse/son/daughters of lawful permanent residents “green-card” holders.  This initiative will expand the provisional waiver program announced in 2013 by allowing the spouses, sons or daughters of lawful permanent residents and sons and daughters of U.S. citizens to get a waiver if a visa is available.  This order also will clarify the meaning of the “extreme hardship” standard that must be met to obtain a waiver.

These changes have not yet been implemented, so beware of scammers/notaries offering to help submit these applications. Instead, speak to a legitimate, trustworthy immigration attorney about what you can do while President Obama’s executive immigration orders takes effect.

At the U.S. Immigration Law Counsel® we are here to assist and provide information to you.  We are committed to guiding you through this process and encourage you to seek legal representation to determine if you or a loved one will be affected by these new laws.  Please send all inquiries to or contact us at (954) 240-1669.