3 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW To Accelerate Your Citizenship Appointment

One of the biggest issues we deal with for our clients is simply the amount of time it takes for citizenship appointments, applications, etc. to get processed. Many feel powerless to speed the process up, but you can actually do few things you can do TODAY to push it along! (1) Contact the National Visa […]

Is Your Case Taking Too Long? 4 Things to do RIGHT NOW!

(1) File a case service request online with USCIS here: (2) Contact your local Congressmen and make an inquiry with the liaison office between them & the USCIS. (3) File a request with the Ombudsman Office at USCIS to find out what’s going on: (4) File a writ of mandamus — Sue the […]

TRAVEL BANS RESTRICTED? What does it mean?

As of April 1st, 2021, there are no non-immigrant travel ban restrictions in place coming to the United States: If you have an L-Visa, a J-Visa, H-Visa, you are NOT subject to any of the restrictions/travel bans that the previous administration put in place. HOWEVER: You need to go get another visa!