Can an LPR Stay More Than a Year Outside of the U.S. Without Abandoning Their Green Card?
Becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States can be a lengthy and challenging journey for many foreign nationals. That is why it can be painful for a foreign national to lose their LPR status after being deemed to have abandoned their Green Card.
In-Person Operations SUSPENDED at the Miramar ERO
The Miramar ERO office has suspended in-person operations for check-in appointments due to the rising COVID-19 cases and transmissions in South Florida. If you have an order of supervision check-in appointment at Miramar ERO, you need to email them to get your new check-in appointment. Once they resume operations they will let us know, and […]
SOS Cuba & Immigration Ramifications
As protests and demonstrations sweep through Cuba, let’s take a look at the history and ramifications of the United States’ immigration policy towards Cuban migrants.
Lawful Permanent Resident Cards
Do you or anyone you know have a lawful permanent resident card and have physically been outside of the U.S. for more than 1 year? If so, and if you haven’t gotten a re-entry permit, the law states that you abandoned your residency. However, there are some exceptions to the rule…