What Is Proof of Relationship U.S. Visa Requirement?

If you want to legally come to the United States and stay here, you will need to understand how to provide proof of relationship for a U.S. visa. Providing proof of relationship documents for a visa is a requirement and is a common area where people get confused and do not know what documents to provide when they have a sponsor. Like any other aspect of applying for a visa, providing enough proof that the relationship is valid can make or break your application. Here is everything you need to know about providing proof of relationship for a visa and why it is so important.

How Important is Relationship Proof For Visa?

A common issue the USCIS has had in the past is individuals pretending to have a relationship for the purpose of obtaining a green card. This is considered to be immigration fraud and can come with serious repercussions aside from having the visa application denied.

To avoid accepting any fraudulent applications, the USCIS requires proof of relationship for a U.S. visa that removes any doubt about the validity of the relationship. As straightforward as this sounds, it can come with some challenges since there isn’t always an abundance of evidence to prove that the relationship is valid.

If you want to apply for a U.S. visa, you need to hire an immigration attorney to help you with this process, especially during the application process. An attorney will have experience with visa applications and can help you uncover proof of relationship documents for a visa that will help to remove any doubt of fraud.

Something to keep in mind is that immigration proof of relationship evidence is required for any type of relationship between the sponsor and the immigrant applicant. This includes spouses, fiancé, and relatives.

What Happens If You Don’t Provide Enough Proof of Relationship Documents?

If you submit your application for a U.S. visa and you do not meet the requirement of providing enough proof of relationship evidence, this can cause complications. When this happens, you will usually receive a request for additional evidence from the USCIS asking that you provide more evidence to establish the validity of the relationship.

Receiving a request for evidence is not a serious issue, but it can cause significant delays for your application. If you still aren’t able to provide enough evidence or the USCIS does not approve of the evidence, this can result in your application being denied.

If a fraudulent relationship is suspected at any point during the application process, the USCIS has the right to deny your application without requesting additional evidence.

Types of Relationship Evidence For Visa

Before you apply for a U.S. visa, you need to understand what proof of relationship documents are. Depending on the situation, providing proof of a relationship can be easier or more difficult as some people have a greater paper trail than others.

Here is a breakdown of the most common ways to prove that the relationship is valid with documentation.

Marriage License

If you are married to a U.S. citizen or green card holder who is acting as your sponsor, the best piece of evidence you have is your marriage license. You need to provide a copy of your marriage certificate in English, which will be a very strong piece of evidence to establish that the relationship is valid.

If you aren’t married but have the intent of marrying, you can prove this through things like a statement of intent, evidence of wedding plans, or engagement photos. You could also provide things like receipts or contracts you have signed for a wedding photographer or wedding venue.

Depending on your situation, you may also need to provide evidence of any divorces or name changes.

Birth Certificates

If you have a family member sponsoring you, it can often be a bit easier to find enough proof of relationship for a U.S. visa. For instance, you can provide copies of birth certificates to show that you are related to your parents or siblings. You could also provide copies of legal custody documents, such as guardianship or adoption records.

Financial Statements

For a marriage-based visa, you also need to provide evidence of a bona fide marriage, even if you have already provided a marriage certificate. This goes above and beyond to prove that the marriage is legitimate and isn’t just a cover for the purpose of immigration.

Financial statements are very useful pieces of evidence for a bona fide marriage and include documents like joint bank account statements, joint property ownership, or lease agreements.


Showing communication between you and your sponsor is also very important when establishing a valid relationship, no matter the type of relationship. With so much being online, this is usually quite easy to do through things like call logs, text messages, emails, etc.

Evidence of Time Spent Together

If possible, it is also essential to provide evidence of time spent together. You can do this through things like travel itineraries, tickets, and boarding passes, either together or for the purpose of seeing each other. Evidence of hotel reservations and holiday or family trips can also be useful.

Other types of evidence of time spent together could include photographs or videos as long as they look authentic and are appropriate.

Personal Statements and Affidavits

When you are proving that the relationship is valid between you and your sponsor, you should also write a personal statement. This should outline your relationship with each other, such as how you met, milestones, future plans, or life events.

Aside from personal statements, affidavits from friends and family can also be very helpful for strengthening your case. These affidavits should be credible and provide detailed information that goes hand-in-hand with the information you have already provided.

Hire an Immigration Attorney Today

Do you want to apply for a U.S. visa so you can come to the United States? Contact us today at U.S. Immigration Law Counsel at 800-666-4996 to speak with an immigration attorney about your situation. We will deal with the government, so you don’t have to!